
People are central to the success of our projects, and we recognise that good landscape architecture doesn’t happen without a lot of communication. We listen, share, collaborate, and engage with clients, other professionals, stakeholders and the public.


Our design approach starts with the acknowledgement that every site and every project is different. We seek out the unique qualities and attributes of a place and develop site-specific responses. 


Our design responses work with the natural systems and processes that our projects are embedded into. Our projects regularly involve remnant indigenous vegetation management, and we are always on the lookout for ways to introduce indigenous habitat within the landscapes we create.  


We take our impacts and responsibilities as a business seriously. We seek to offset any impacts and actively seek out ways to influence positive change. We contribute money, time and expertise to projects and causes we believe in. And our business gets a regular and rigorous health check via B-Corp certification process. 

In 2018, FFLA became the first Australian landscape architecture firm to be B Corp certified. B Corp externally assesses and certifies our social and environmental impacts.

Each year, we track our performance against the United Nations Development Goals. The 2024 FFLA Environment Report is our most recent assessment.

FFLA has been carbon neutral since 2020. We seek to minimise our environmental footprint and use 100% renewable energy. We offset our carbon emissions by purchasing carbon credits focused on renewal energy projects with “Gold Standard”.

Our staff are members of the following industry bodies


Coffee bean of the month

Be Sun Smart

FFLA tour tipping competition